ap•o•gee: The highest point, the apex, the peak.

At Apogee Technology Services, that is our goal and our commitment to our clients: not only to provide the highest levels of service to our clients, but also to keep their systems running at peak levels.

Apogee is dedicated to providing maximum levels of personalized, proactive engineering services and support to our clients in the surrounding Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland (DMV) areas.

Since 2000, Apogee has provided network stability to our clients and customized solutions to fit their needs. Each of our engineers brings decades of network support experience and are passionate about delivering professional and personalized services in all aspects of their work.

Every staff member at Apogee strives to:

  • Provide our clients with a solid network platform on which to build their business.
  • Provide our clientele with a clear and concise path to network server stability.
  • Empower organizations to identify and eliminate potential security threats.
  • Enhance the productivity of our clients’ business by providing superior customer service.

Contact us to take control of your organization’s infrastructure!